
Fanping Kong was born in Shenyang, Liaoning, China in 1956. While he was in elementary school in the 1960s, normal education stopped due to the "Cultural Revolution". At that time, the country was in a state of chaos of revolutionary rebellion, and factories and schools were suspended. Because of the cult of personality that prevailed, portraits of the leader were plastered on the streets of every city. The experience of watching the drawing portraits of leaders on the street ignited the inspiration for Fanping’s love of art.

After graduating from high school, Fanping went to the countryside to work on a farm, as planned by the state regulations. In 1976, he joined the regional professional theatre troupe to engage in stage art design and set drawing. Later, he worked as a designer in a provincial exhibition hall.

In 1978, he was admitted to the oil painting department of the famous Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in China. He stayed to teach there after four years of study and began his art teaching and art creation.

From 1985 to 1987, he was selected by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Education to study Arabic miniature painting at the Algeria Higher Academy of Fine Arts. In 1987, the Chinese Embassy and the Ministry of Culture of Algeria held the "Kong Fanping Painting Exhibition" in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The exhibition was a great success. As a result of multiple news media and interview reports, it has had a strong and wide-ranging impact in Algeria, several oil paintings were collected by the National Ministry of Culture and Art Committee of Algeria. During this period, many oil paintings depicting the Saharan culture were selected for the "Algiers International Art Exhibition".

Since 1983, Kong Fanping's oil paintings have been selected for the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth “National Art Works Exhibition", Second and Fourth “China Sports Art Works Exhibition", "China Modern Art Exhibition", "East Asia Friendship Art Exhibition", "Northeast Asia Third World Art Exhibition" and dozens of important exhibitions of domestic and foreign art majors. In 2000, he held a solo exhibition at the Art Museum of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in China. Some of these works won awards in exhibitions and are collected by the National Art Museum of China and foreign art institutions and individuals. Fanping is a member of the China Artists Association, and a professor at the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. He currently lives in California, Unitied States.

Selected Exbitions

1986 The First International Exhibition of Plastic Arts in Algeria Algiers,Algeria

1990 China sports Arts Exhibition Beijing, China

1990 China Modern Oil Painting Exhibition Beijing, China

1994 & 1997 Exhibition of Essences of the Oil Painting Competition of China Beijing, China

1998 East Asia Fine Arts Exhibition Beijing, China

1999 The North East Asia and the Third-World Arts Exhibition Seoul, Korea

2003 Liaoning Arts Exhibition Liaoning, China

2006 Liaoning Artists Association's 50th Anniversary Art Exhibion Liaoning, China

2009 International Art Forum Famous Works Exchange Exhibition Hangzhou, China

2018 Beijing First International Portrait Comic Exhibition Beijing, China

2020 Hangzhou West Lake International Art Invitational Exhibition Hangzhou, China